Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bluebird Makes Death Star

Sometimes I have nothing to write but the absolute grim truth. Grim being the operative word. We were invited to Kristen Lambs huge Star Wars party and asked to bring "out of this world" food. My kids wanted to bring a Death Star cake. Thank you! I made two Bundt cakes, sent my husband to the store for black food coloring and figured it would be just that easy. Still today, three or so days later, my fingers and nails are a nice shade of black and "No, Kerrie, I didn't finally get hip and invest in black nail polish!" So, lopped the cakes together with hordes of blackish grey frosting and realized like a really good engineer that the Bundt cake, not unlike a Death Star, was hollow. I filled it with chocolate chips – to represent Storm Troopers – and proceeded to frost the less than concave sphere. What happens to chocolate chips when surrounded by warm Bundt cake? You guessed it the Storm Troopers melted! Morale of story, "What am I doing building a Death Star anyway? I'm just a few days away from launching my new marketing strategy guide, "24 Hours to Zero Down Marketing" and I have better things to do with my black fingers! J Ah well, kids loved it and it will wash off someday!

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