Friday, March 21, 2008

Bluebirds kids home for Easter already?

How come I still have to work? The kids all off for a day before Easter Weekend got up leisurely and wanted to know what I had planned for them in the way of fun? Fun? I have a full day of Power Strategies business, Planetary Vision How To Snack Videos to film, my new Women Buy Everything Talk Radio Show to prepare for and well I had wanted to get a manicure. How's that for fun? My day was planned, I had asked when spring break was and they told me April. Last I checked we were still in March so why oh why aren't they in school? The Easter activities are Saturday and at church on Sunday so what am I supposed to do for them today? Friday? Ah, so solution, I am putting them to work, that is what my mom would have done. Lazy whiney kids asking, "what can I do? I am bored?" I say, "here is a list of chores, if you get that done I will take you to a movie!" Ha! Bluebird Sisters win again!

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