Friday, May 23, 2008

World Wide Web flying by?

I remember when my parents brought home one of the first microwaves on our block. My grandmother came over and asked me to show her how to "get the hang of it" so she could tell all her friends. She said it was a mystery to her but she was determined to be the first of her friends to have one. Having survived the great depression my grandma was not the kind to be afraid of anything but I could tell she was a little wary of the big black box capable of melting down plastic bowls in seconds. As I was showing her what to do she told me she had showed her own grandmother how to work her TV. We laughed while we burnt a cheese sandwich to a crisp. Years later when I had to ask my kids to help me download a James Taylor song onto the iPod I received for Christmas I realized I was losing ground. My kids laughed at me for not knowing how to download and it made me feel better to smirk at them for not knowing who James Taylor was. Smirking was not enough, I felt like the world, indeed the World Wide Web was passing me by. More from me on www.powerstrategies.TV and

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